Lines of work and specialization
- High Performance Mechanical Structures (on-board electronics cabinets, holder structures,...). General requirements applicable to mechanical structures within the framework of ground-based and on-board astrophysical instrumentation often force to lightweight-but-stiff designs. They need specific and complex analyses to ensure the fulfillment of the key requirements.
- Optomechanics (Mirror Supports, Lens Barrels,...). This line includes all the engineering aspects concerning the optics mounts and supports. An important matter here concerned is related to the AIV and alignment protocol of the optical components or subsystems. Thus, beyond the purely mechanical issues, a close interaction with the optical engineering services is necessary to really find the best solution for each particular case, which requires mechanical engineers with specific knowledge and background.
- High Accuracy Positioners (hexapodes, mini-positioners, position encoding,...). A specific engineering line has been promoted to create relevant know-how concerning high accuracy mechanisms. Requirements applicable to such systems are becoming tighter and tighter as nowadays trends in astrophysical instrumentation are demanding severer values in terms of accuracy and precision. Current in-house knowledge includes fine hexapodes for mirror position tuning, as well as miniturised actuators for fibre positioning.
- FEA Structural Analysis. Expertise use of FEA software tools is a key issue within the frame of the engineering applied to astrophysical instrumentation. This integral tool allows covering all the most issues concerned in a problem about structure mechanics(static structural behaviour, dynamical behaviour, vibrational modes,...), as well as to set a high standard in terms of quality applied to the engineering work.
- Thermal Analysis. Heat transfer mechanisms must be thoroughly studied if the proper performance of the instrument is to be ensured. Thermal control is something commonly requested by instruments where stability is a key issue. In other cases, even if thermal control is not being implemented, a wide variety of thermal analyses (steady-state, transient state, radiative transfer, cooling methods,…) is necessary to predict the behavior of the instrument during operation within the temperature range required.
Instalations and equipment
Some previous works
- Preparation unit for the cooling system of CARMENES.
- Cosmics Dust Laboratory (CoDuLab)
- Maintenace of mechanical systems of Sierra Nevada Observatory.